As we were sort of in the neighborhood last Sunday, John and I decided on a whim to stop at the Disney Concert Hall and take a few pictures. There were several groups there; tourists; a band using the building as backdrop; and more than a few photographers with straight couples, who from the the "romantic" poses they were positioned in, were presumably taking engagement pictures.
There were also several movie guys/lackeys positioned at key points along the building who explained how pictures of the street or the filming were NOT allowed.

Referring to the fact that Grand Ave was closed off for filming. It was a big budget thing to close off a major street like that. All I could see was a tank looking thing off in the distance in the middle of the road I had no interest in taking fuzzy pictures of.
With each time I was told couldn't take pictures or that they would have to walk with us past views of the street below (to ensure no photos), I'd answer that I was only interested in the building and skyscraper shots.

What I actually wanted to say was that I had utterly no interest in their movie beyond the negative impact the street closure and the lack of parking it had created for me.
Poking around online today, it seems that what I didn't take pics of was an action scene for the new Batman movie... Frankly I still don't care.